Westchester County - Dentists Deals

Boost teeth whitening brings out brighter smiles with reduced sensitivity and without heating lamps during 50-minute treatment

Prescreened dentists administer cleanings and assess oral health with emphasis on patient-dentist communication

Experienced dentist trained in facial aesthetics preps smiles for replacement teeth with dental implants

Dentist checks overall oral health with X-rays & cancer screening before teeth cleaning removes tartar in hour-long procedure.

Dental team scans mouths in search of cavities, gum disease & other maladies with x-rays before ridding enamel of plaque & tartar buildup

After exam with x-rays & mouth impressions, Dr. Patel straightens crooked chompers with clear, removable aligners in 6–15 months

In a 60- to 90-minute visit, staff clears away plaque and tartar; the dentist examines teeth and gums, aided by five x-rays

Ultraviolet light shines over teeth to activate bleaching agent as doctors & dental staff brighten smiles during 30-minute treatment

Dentists mold impressions of teeth to form sets of clear plastic trays used to nudge bite lines into desired formations

Dental professional with 30 years of experience leads team of skilled dentists that brightens chompers up to 10 shades