Wichita - Health & Fitness Deals

Noninvasive IPL treatments heat up follicles to slow hair growth

Students train in a 20,000-square-foot facility, challenging their bodies with MMA fighter fitness regimens, boxing, or kickboxing classes

Dentist-developed toothbrush moves 30,000 strokes per minute to clean teeth in two minutes before returning to its self-sanitizing charger

Twice-daily glasses of herbal-detox drink work with breakfast serving of multi-protein drink to flush 5–20 lbs. of toxins in five days

Noninvasive, FDA-approved laser treatment slims inches from the waistline, hips, and thighs with little downtime

Chiropractic office eases back pain with spinal adjustments or doles out nutrition advice after thorough patient examination

Protein- and aloe-packed shakes come in more than 200 flavors such as wedding cake, Snickers, and white-chocolate Reese's

Quick and intense workouts focused on movements that unify muscle groups and proper lifting techniques

15-station outdoor obstacle course challenges exercisers with rope ladders and climbing walls during intense six- or eight-week boot camp

A health-and-wellness coach provides nutritional and lifestyle advice and supplements designed to curb free radicals or burn fat