Acupuncturist enlists fine, sterile needles to stimulate pressure points & restore energy flow according to ancient Chinese practice
Healthcare professional uses oriental medicine & acupuncture to correct bodily imbalances
Clinician-supervised student interns treat symptoms of headaches, pain & other ailments with one-hour to 90-minute acupuncture sessions
Oriental-medicine physician aims to gently relieve stress & aches in one-hour acupuncture sessions that inject thin needles across body
Acupuncturist treats chronic pain, aims to provide allergy relief & assist smoking cessation with personalized acupuncture session
Licensed acupuncturist treats aches & restores harmony to body’s systems with holistic treatments based on comprehensive exam
Patients discuss goals in short evaluation before treatment session that includes 30 minutes of acupuncture & 15 minutes of Tuina massage
Licensed acupuncturist targets meridian across the body before gently inserting thin needles into the skin to help balance the mind and body
Board-certified acupuncturist inspects physiques & aligns sterile needles with bodily pathways to prevent illness & treat chronic ailments
Licensed chiropractor & acupuncturist inserts slender needles along body to relieve stress & aches & encourage holistic well-being