Licensed acupuncturist inserts thin needles & bathes skin in low-level light to balance health & abate conditions such as insomnia
Medical doctor with 24 years in practice customizes acupuncture techniques for relief from maladies such as sprains, insomnia & fatigue
One-hour acupuncture sessions can soothe digestive, psycho-emotional & pain issues with deft application of needles by experienced therapist
Licensed acupuncturist promotes body's free flow of energy & healing by inserting needles at key body points
Licensed acupuncturist targets lingering ailments with precisely inserted, hair-thin needles designed to stimulate healthy blood flow
Licensed acupuncturist targets aches & illnesses by using hair-like needles & Chinese herbs to realign energy flow
Licensed acupuncturists treat maladies such as pain & sports injuries with sterile, single-use needles & centuries-old techniques
Licensed acupuncturists loosen systemic blockages with thin, hair-like needles, aiming to speed recuperation & enhance immunity
Board-certified acupuncturist inspects physiques & aligns sterile needles with bodily pathways to prevent illness & treat chronic ailments
Doctors & staff attempt to ease pain or stress with acupuncture treatments that include initial consultation