Correct spinal misalignments; Acupuncture with electrical impulses or needles; Hands-on adjustments;
Examine overall health; Reduce stress; Includes one additional scan; Thorough 90-minute treatment;
Licensed acupuncturist; Comprehensive evaluation; Relieves chronic pain & stress;
Redirects body's energy; 30-minute sessions; Licensed acupuncturist; Electronic meridian imaging;
Helps to relieve pain & stress; Aims to detoxify & restore optimal body function; NCCAOM-certified acupuncture professional;
Board-certified herbalist and licensed acupuncturist; Treatment for the individual instead of the illness; Clean, welcoming facility;
Licensed acupuncturists; Can treat dozens of afflictions; Soothing private treatment rooms;
Board-certified acupuncturist; Personalized treatment; Assesses medical history; Calm & relaxing office ;
Individualized treatment; Treat nerve pain, stress, fatigue & more; Licensed acupuncturists;
Ancient Chinese technique ; Certified acupuncturists ; 15-minute consultation ; Can treat pain & many ailments ;