Art Classes

Professional photographer teaches students basic principles, such as DSLR camera settings and using flash

Professional photographers teach up to 10 students how to properly light, frame, and time images of illustrious city and nature sights

Professional photographers teach up to 10 students how to properly light, frame, and time images of illustrious city and nature sights

Commercial and Emmy-winning photographers teach students how to properly light, frame, and time images of local sights.

Professional photographers teach students how to properly light, frame, and time images of downtown Miami and sandy beaches.

Professional photographers teach students basic camera functions or how to properly light & frame images of illustrious architectural sights

Working artist with locally exhibited pieces supplies instruction and snacks during low-stress painting classes

Paint slides across canvas and clay slowly takes shape as its spins on a wheel during classes

Professional photographers teach students basic camera functions or how to light and frame images of architectural and natural sights