Art Classes

Local artists teach pupils to re-create famous paintings & images while sipping libations in neighborhood settings

Expert artist tutors pupils in basics of media such as graphite, acrylic, watercolors & oil paints during classes for many ages & levels

Professional photographers teach up to 10 students how to properly light, frame & time images of illustrious architectural sights

Instructors Stan Kaady and Jen Kolb teach students how to properly light, frame & time images of local sights.

Instructors teach newbie knitters & crocheters foundational stitches amid rainbows of brand-name skeins

Professional photographers teach up to 10 students how to properly light, frame, and time images of the city and nature sights.

Students of all ages & skill levels learn to fuse decorative pieces such as tiles, necklaces, earrings & key chains

Teacher shows how to make candy dish from clay using potter's wheel during lessons or guests paint premade bisque figurines, mugs & plates

Seasoned artists demonstrate acrylic-painting, drawing & cartooning techniques as students practice & chow down on BBQ or mimosas

Drawing, painting, sculpture, printmaking & ceramics take center stage during age-appropriate, hands-on summer sessions