
Charitable party combines live tribute bands with hands-on entertainment to raise funds for children with special needs.

Donation helps supply schools or gardens with Garden Mosaics kits so students can participate in interactive science-and-gardening education

Breezy verandas and period furnishings at historical hotel in Augusta's Summerville neighborhood.

Breezy verandas and period furnishings at historical hotel in Augusta's Summerville neighborhood.

Donations fund informative packets, calendars & books for expectant parents of babies with Down syndrome to support healthy development

Donation helps organization build a raised vegetable garden to feed roughly 100 rescued turtles and tortoises with fresh produce

Donations to help neighborhood revitalization project fund Hilltop Park beautification, starting with painting park's skate bowl

Donations help fund loans for small businesses to help them acquire raw materials or equipment to stabilize growth.

Donation helps organization provide food for large dogs living in foster homes as they prepare for adoption.

Donations to help trained high-school students teach youth about water safety with interactive curriculum designed to prevent injury