
Donations provide spay or neuter treatments, vaccinations & flea & mite treatments for feral cats that are later released

Donations help provide youth with disabilities with sailing experience in special boats that are easy to manage & cannot capsize

Shots of B-12 fortify nerves, blood cells, and DNA, or full B-complex injections nourish everything from hair and skin to muscles and brain.

Donations help fund expenses such as fees and uniforms to allow foster youths to participate in sports teams and music and dance lessons.

Donations fund theater performance to help schoolchildren cope with stress and maintain positive outlook.

Donations to help provide Meals on Wheels' clients who have recently been released from hospital with week's worth of hot, nutritious meals

Volunteers pack and distribute hygiene kits with hand towels, toothpaste, and soap for disaster survivors around the world.

Donations help provide full-time family caregivers with hour of temporary relief from their choice of respite provider

Donations will help provide one year of advanced classes in dance or musical instrument for at least one exceptional student.

Donations help start children's learning gardens at childcare centers to encourage healthful eating habits & instill gardening skills