
Donations support maintenance of 50 community garden plots for this year's growing season by assisting with expenses of watering & seeds

Organization will plant fruit trees in an urban forest to provide fresh fruits for local residents as part of a larger restoration project

Donations support summer camp where elementary students learn about science at LEED-certified center surrounded by trails & ponds

Donations support neighborhood bike rides and safety-education classes to raise awareness of Madison’s bicycling opportunities.

Donations support maintenance and expansion of youth urban gardens by funding composting bins and necessary gardening tools.

Donations support planting of two mixed native trees in Memorial Park, which was hit with a historic drought last year.

Donations support community workshops that educate NOLA residents about recycling and reducing utility costs through home retrofits.

Donations sponsor one underserved youth in five-day camp packed with info about sustainable living and how choices affect the environment.

Donations support indoor organic gardens that teach students about balanced nutrition and benefits of organic produce.

Hand-picked, gently used baby clothing delivered to homes can be exchanged as children grow, with sizes for newborns to 24-month-olds