Donations go toward trees and fencing panels that enhance vacant lots to help beautify community
Donations support volunteers, who clean 2,000 pounds of trash and debris from rivers that flow into the Chesapeake Bay.
Teams search for injured birds trapped in fishing tackle along Biscayne Bay & provide them with medical care & rehabilitation
Donations support preservation of Aquidneck Island’s natural spaces by funding projects for neighborhoods & community groups
Donations support creation of home gardens and pesticide-free-gardening guidance for farm workers and their families
Bus passes empower formerly incarcerated, low-income employees to attend workforce-training program at recycling-collection center
Donations support placement of plants in metered spots throughout Cleveland during annual event to raise awareness about public spaces
Donations support creation of home gardens and pesticide-free-gardening guidance for farm workers and their families
Donations support community forums about cleaner energy alternatives with tips to help residents improve environmental impact
Donations help fund coastline cleanup and provide trash bags, gloves, scissors & afternoon picnic for volunteers