
From behind a double fence, watch more than 40 types of rescued big cats in environs that simulate their native habitats

Donations fund 12 weeks of therapeutic art classes for five to eight children with autism

Donations help to provide new shoes to underserved children during the upcoming school year and holiday season

Donations allow 20 children to select holiday or birthday gifts to give to children their age who are living with chronic illnesses

Donations sponsor behaviorally challenged dogs in a seven-week inmate-led obedience-training course to help them find permanent homes

Donations help to provide a month's worth of nonperishable weekend meals to children from food-insecure households

Donations help to provide at-risk youth who have little or no swimming skills with water-safety education and swimming lessons

Donation covers the cost of sending two packets of books, containing up to 15 books total, for inmates who request them

Donations help sponsor children from the Cancer Support Community Pasadena in one year of monthly hip-hop dance classes

Donations help fund scuba equipment for five divers to pick up plastic and metal pollution in Monterey Bay to prevent animal entanglement