
Donations help to provide care packages with comforting items to youth entering foster homes

Donations fund material and equipment to build a shed that will house garden supplies and learning materials over the winter

Donations provide back-to-school supplies to enable academic success for youth from low-income families in Auburn

Donations to help volunteers package meals with rice & soy for school feeding programs abroad to provide nutrition & encourage attendance

Donations help to fund iPads so that youth with autism can practice their communication skills as a part of regular behavioral therapy

Donations help to provide a robotics kit that allows youth to build eight different robots and gain skills in science-related fields

Donations will sponsor a forum on eliminating plastic-bag pollutants from the environment and replacing them with sustainable alternatives

Donations help supply a school library with books to encourage reading among students during the Speeding to Read program

Donations to build aviary walls equipped with solar-powered infrared heaters that keep tropical birds warm during the winter

Donations help provide classrooms with Kind News magazine, which promotes kindness to animals through curriculum-based activities