Cosmetic Surgeons

Sciton Profile laser zaps away unwanted follicles to stave off regrowth as a chilled plate keeps skin cool and comfortable

Board-certified surgeons employ water-assisted liposuction surgery to remove fatty tissue with a local anesthetic

Skilled technicians remove unwanted hair and reduce follicle growth with Cutera CoolGlide Laser

The noninvasive i-Lipo machine emits low-level laser energy to break down fat and cellulite and enhance circulation

In one to three hours, the surgeon administers local anesthesia and removes excess tissue from lids to address wrinkles or puffiness

Board-certified plastic surgeon helps to slim the body's trouble spots with cold-laser procedures in a state-of-the-art surgical facility

Surgeon removes excess skin from the eye area, giving eyes a younger, more rested look

JB Lashes and Reese Robert Beauty extensions adhere to individual existing lashes in a two-hour appointment; a touchup maintains thickness

Experienced doctor uses advanced laser to undo tattoos and remove ink of any color amid comfy med-spa environment

Safe lasers heat underlying nail infections, killing the fungus to allow clear nails to grow in