Cosmetic Surgeons

In about 60 minutes, the aesthetician sloughs away dead skin, diminishing fine lines, sun damage, acne, and scarring

Juvéderm treatment fills out wrinkles for up to a year and Botox session smoothes skin for up to four months

LASIK cold laser reshapes the surface of the cornea to correct nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism

Treatment removes dead skin cells from the superficial layer, reducing the appearance of fine lines and revealing more youthful skin

Plastic surgeon inserts a tiny tube or cannula under the skin to reduce fat from the arms, thighs, chin, hips, abdomen, or love handles

One-on-one training sessions available Tuesday–Saturday

Botox targets wrinkle-causing muscles, and Pellevé treatments firm and contour the face amid elegant office with sleek, ivory tiles

Plastic surgeon who’s appeared on ABC's “Extreme Makeover” contours bellies, love handles, backs, or lower abs by safely freezing fat tissue

Noninvasive Lapex 2000 BCS LipoLaser uses cold-laser technology to release fatty acids, water, and glycerol in order to shrink fat cells

Light liquefies and removes fatty tissue during a 2- to 3-hour treatment that combines liposuction with laser treatment to tighten skin