Dating Services

Full-time staff presents singles with a rotating cast of potential partners that match their personalities and preferences

Events introduce singles during age-specific gatherings where brief chats aim to plant seeds of love

Bravo-network-approved speed-dating service outfits ladies with free makeovers prior to two-hour dating sessions for up to 36 people

Age-specific speed-dating events connect like-minded singles at area restaurants & bars complete with appetizers & drink specials.

Gentlemen partake in complimentary makeovers before browsing potential mates in brief dates at upscale venues

Hosts coordinate up to a dozen 5-minute dates in 2 hours at lively eateries & provide compatible duos with chances to trade contact info

Age-specific dating event with equal ratio of male & female attendees introduces guests to 8–14 singles amid private or semiprivate venues

Age-specific speed-dating events help gender-balanced group of singles meet potential matches with brief one-on-one chats & scoring sheets

Bravo network-approved speed-dating service outfits ladies with free makeovers prior to two-hour dating sessions for up to 36 people

Bravo network-approved speed-dating service outfits ladies with free makeovers prior to two-hour dating sessions with up to 36 people