Health & Fitness

Experienced team performs thorough services in professional office that takes appointments until as late as 9 p.m. on most weekdays

Soothing studio hosts a range of yoga classes in which students of all skill levels practice poses, postures, and breathing patterns

Noninvasive procedure uses heat and light to stimulate the breakdown of stored fat while toning the skin

A technician guides a warm stream of water through the body to clear out toxins and built-up waste

PGA-certified pros help golfers groom their games with lessons at a golf academy with heated facilities or at a nearby golf course

Skilled instructors guide pupils through 26 exhilarating asanas amid balmy temperatures in 90-minute Bikram-yoga classes

Experienced practitioners enlist neurological and orthopedic techniques to uncover sources of pain before gently massaging away aches

Sixty-minute checkups guard against disease and decay; Sonicare electric toothbrush targets hard-to-reach plaque

Frequent changes in elevation make for undulating rides over zoysia grass & winding creek threatens to swallow errant golf balls.

Professional massage therapists encourage relaxation with Swedish massage and deal with chronic tightness during deep-tissue treatments