Health & Fitness

Chiropractors tailor spinal adjustments according to scans before licensed massage therapists soothe sore muscles

Kickboxing burns calories; cage fighting divides workout into five five-minute rounds of no-contact exercise

Range of classes includes ancient meditation traditions or intense cardio and resistance workouts

Dentists hunt down decay during a meticulous exam; teeth turn up to eight shades brighter after several applications of whitening gel

Professional instructors help students gain strength and burn calories while learning 1,000-year-old art of muay thai kickboxing

During 55-minute sessions, certified instructors deliver armloads of personal attention to small groups of six exercisers

A kickboxing world champion pioneers a regimen that incorporates kickboxing and boxing into nine fun workout stations

Tension-relieving Swedish massage or full chiropractic examination with two x-rays of the spinal column

After consultation and pain exam, massage therapist eases tension, detoxifies muscles, and boosts circulation with clinical massage strokes

Gain comprehensive training in full-contact martial arts through a combination of group classes, conditioning, and sparring