Health & Fitness

Self-defense experts well versed in krav maga help students condition their bodies & prepare for common street-attack scenarios

Indoor boot-camp sessions reshape physiques with suspension gear & cardio drills & nutritional guidance reinforces healthier lifestyles

After exam with x-rays & mouth impressions, Dr. Yuri Krainov straightens crooked chompers with clear, removable aligners in 2–15 months

Pilates and yoga classes complement four styles of martial-arts and cardio-dance courses to trim bodies.

Bernadette McLoughlin & staff lead students through a fusion of sports drills & high-intensity combinations of cardio, yoga & Pilates

Dr. Han employs Zoom LED light to brighten smiles & ensures future health of teeth & gums with comprehensive cleaning

Dual-headed sonic toothbrushes for adults and kids in blue, gray, orange, and lime green

Nonsurgical treatment targets abdomen, inner thighs, outer thighs, arms, or buttocks to reduce fat and cellulite and enhance skin elasticity

FDA-approved, USA-made carbamide peroxide whitens smiles up to five shades in trays custom molded at home

Dentists examine teeth for plaque & cavities before giving take-home whitening kit to patients who are cavity-free