Horse Services & Equipment

Instructor teaches personally tailored Western horseback-riding lessons to students aged 8 and older

Equestrian guides pilot horseback riders aged 8 & older through circuitous wooded trails in human-steed groups of 8–10

Instructors customize lessons to each student’s skill set, & riding parties assemble friends for two-hour trots complete with ice cream

Friesian horses born from Dutch bloodlines trot students through private lessons that focus on grooming, saddling, riding & cooldown tips

Experienced trainers teach all ages & levels proper riding techniques within 100-acre facility's indoor & outdoor arenas

Equestrian guides steer riders through Alafia River Corridor trails; private lessons allow students to track progress with video analysis

Certified trainers acquaint students to equine arts through trail rides, private lessons, or weeklong children's riding camp

Award-winning instructor who specializes in problem horses teaches riding techniques & equestrian care to riders during private lessons

Seasoned equestrians lead students aged 5+ in private hunter/jumper lessons in outdoor & heated indoor facilities

Equestrian experts instruct riders aged 6 & up during private, English-style lessons outdoors or in heated indoor facility