Horse Services & Equipment

Equestrian guides pilot horseback riders 8 years old & up through circuitous wooded trails in human-steed groups of 8-10

Experienced equestrian bestows English saddle-seat-style riding wisdom & provides all gear during one-on-one lessons for all skill levels

Experienced equestrians teach new riders in indoor & outdoor arenas during private lessons that impart basics of riding & caring for horses

More than 2,500 graceful steeds face off in categories such as Arabian classic & dressage amid packed schedule & ample vendors

Trained riding staff instills horseback know-how to both beginner & seasoned riders in lush countryside facility with well-cared-for steeds

One-on-one lessons tailored to the needs of amateur & experienced equestrians amid 72 acres of Gray Lily Farm.

Lessons delve into basic Western-style equine grooming, saddling & riding techniques or bolster advanced skills on scenic, sprawling ranch

Lessons delve into basic Western-style equine grooming, saddling & riding techniques or bolster advanced skills on scenic, sprawling ranch

Professional instructors guide students through horse care & riding techniques upon six arenas & pastures of professional show stable

Instructor encourages responsibility with horseback lessons for riders of all experience levels beneath oaks & pines of large facility