Movie Theaters

High-quality digital projections and sounds entertain patrons as they munch popcorn in any of 12 theaters

High-quality digital projections and sounds entertain patrons as they munch popcorn in any of 12 theaters

Latest flicks fill the screen as moviegoers munch on popcorn and sip soda in theaters equipped with stadium seating and digital sound

Latest flicks fill the screen as moviegoers munch on popcorn and sip soda in theaters equipped with stadium seating and digital sound

New releases and visually stunning documentaries take over the screen with crisp imagery and surround sound

Stadium seats face large-format screens that flash first-run blockbusters in 3-D and local flicks on 35mm film

Stadium seats face large-format screens that flash first-run blockbusters in 3-D and local flicks on 35mm film

International, independent, and arthouse cinema projected in 35 mm; digital fills curved HD screen in stadium-seating theater

Latest blockbusters spill onto silver screen at three theaters, with family horror film ParaNorman shown in 3-D at select locations

Latest blockbusters spill onto silver screen at three theaters, with family horror film ParaNorman shown in 3-D at select locations