Movie Theaters

Drive-in built in 1964 shows current films, streaming audio to vehicles’ FM radios

Latest blockbusters spill onto silver screen at three theaters, with family horror film ParaNorman shown in 3-D at select locations

Historic building houses spacious auditoriums that showcase recently released Hollywood films as patrons snack on popcorn and soda

Crooning superstar brings big-band sound with a 12-piece ensemble, singing swing standards from the ‘20s, ‘30s, ‘40s, and ‘50s

Servers at dine-in theater deliver popcorn as guests enjoy first-run releases

Six-story-high screen plays Christopher Nolan’s The Dark Knight Rises and 3-D films on rainforest mammals and tornadoes

Popcorn fuels viewing of first-run movie, such as The Campaign or The Bourne Legacy, at one of two theater locations

Single-screen movie theater screens one new release at a time in an old-fashioned auditorium with balcony seating and colorful murals

Fresh cinema offerings play on Sony digital 3-D and 70-ft. digital high-definition 3-D screens as entranced guests munch buttery popcorn

Tommy Savitt and Mel Kohl deliver old-school humor on September 7; Marc Yaffee and Adam Stone explore comic culture clashes on October 5