Personal Trainers

Nationwide staff of accredited instructors leads personalized lessons catered to long & short game of each client

Recording artist and NASM-certified personal trainer helms energetic classes that blend cardio & strength-training set to upbeat music

Bodybuilder & trainer helms boot-camp classes that torch calories & tone muscles in motivating group atmosphere

Trainers lead 50-minute kettlebell workouts for small groups to enhance stability & stamina with swings, squats & other functional movements

Nationwide staff of accredited instructors leads personalized lessons catered to long & short game of each client

Intimate gym emphasizes personalized service & communal atmosphere with close to 1:1 member-to-trainer ratio & custom workout programs

IFBB pro trainers craft 30-day nutritional menu to complement 12 small-group training sessions and two personal training sessions.

Personal trainers with army experience blend strength & cardio workouts into custom routines for one-on-one or small group sessions

Slimming & detoxifying wraps help clients trim figures, & customized botanical wraps help rejuvenate façades

Certified CrossFit coach pits physiques against nine high-intensity class types such as CrossFit kettlebell & SheRox all-girl workouts