Pest & Animal Control

Workers use organic products to oust ants, centipedes, rodents & other infestations during safe treatments tailored to each home

Licensed & insured pest-controlling technicians treat home exteriors with organic insect-fighting formulas

Exterminators spray EPA-approved repellants on lawns’ trees & shrubs, providing up to three weeks of relief from mosquitoes & other pests

Mosquito-elimination technician evaluates lawn & fogs yard with special machine to keep greens mosquito-free for about a month

Licensed exterminators eliminate insects around the home and garden with low-odor, EPA-approved products

Traveling pest controllers spray up to one acre of grass, hedges, and tree canopies to curb mosquito populations

1, 3, or 6 months of mosquito treatments facilitate summer enjoyment as licensed staff spritzes lawns with organic pest-control formula

Licensed pest-control technicians halt insect infestations with environmentally friendly, holistic approach

Specially formulated spray destroys lurking mosquitoes and ticks and trounces them in the next three weeks

Environmentally-friendly spray derived from extract of African chrysanthemums coats greenery, killing mosquitoes, ticks & fleas on contact