Mosquito Squad Deals

Pest-control specialists repel mosquito and tick interlopers with barrier sprayings that treat most yards in about 15 minutes.

Licensed and insured technicians spray yards to eliminate mosquitoes and ticks

Pesticide sprayers cover up to 1.5 acres in a mosquito- and tick-killing solution that kills them and keeps them away for 21 days

Pest-control specialists repel mosquito and tick interlopers with barrier sprayings that treat most yards in about 15 minutes.

Pesticide sprayers cover up to one acre in mosquito and tick-killing solution that kills them & keeps them away for 21 days

Professional crews spray yards with EPA-registered solution that destroys mosquitoes, ticks & diseases they carry for up to 21 days.

Licensed & insured technicians spray yards to eliminate mosquitoes & ticks

Specially formulated spray destroys lurking mosquitoes and ticks and trounces them in the next three weeks