Noveon's near-infrared laser's disposable pods attach to individual toes, targeting up to four at a time without affecting healthy tissue.
Three in-office laser sessions target fungus on up to five toenails.
Podiatric doctor celebrating 10 years in business uses PinPointe lasers to rout fungus from 5 or 10 toes in 20-40 minutes
Naturopathic doctor with more than 30 years' experience helps eliminate nail fungus with 30-minute laser treatment
Laser targets fungus in & under nails without affecting surrounding tissues, restoring toes to fungus-free clarity in 3–4 months
Board-certified podiatric doctors give foot-health assessment, remove corns, calluses & cracked heels, & treat nail fungus with laser
Licensed massage therapist Elaine Moranville soothes weary hooves & recalibrates bodily systems with reflexology & Kansa Vatki sessions
Licensed pedicurist softens feet in paraffin wax during medically supervised pedicure
Licensed doctors pass laser over affected toenails to kill fungus at root so healthy toenail can emerge in 6–12 months
Podiatrists combine two laser therapies to clear toenail fungus in series of three 15- to 20-minute treatments performed in six weeks