
Foot-care specialists survey & obliterate uninvited toenail guests with 20-minute laser treatments that elicit only pinprick-like pangs

Foot-care specialists survey & obliterate uninvited toenail guests with 20-minute laser treatments that elicit only pinprick-like pangs

Board-certified podiatrists use PinPointe FootLaser to blast unsightly nail fungus during 30-minute session in time for warmer weather

Advanced laser technologies clear unwelcome nail fungus from fingers & toes during series of quick, podiatrist-guided treatment sessions

Board-certified podiatrists use PinPointe FootLaser to blast unsightly nail fungus during 30-minute session in time for warmer weather

During 20-minute treatments, experienced podiatrist aims to kill off offending fungi with heated beams of CoolTouch laser

Experienced staffers wipe toe canvases clean of fungus with specialized laser that destroys fungus without damage to skin or nails

Experienced doctor & staff help speed toenail recovery from fungus assault with quick, effective laser treatments

Experienced staffers wipe toe canvases clean of fungus with specialized laser that destroys fungus without damage to skin or nails

Board-certified podiatric doctors employ sterilized instruments to give foot health assessment & remove corns, calluses & cracked heels