AMG Medical Group Deals
Total Deals Found: 3
71% Off Checkup & Bloodwork at AMG Medical Group
$59 for a Full Medical Checkup with Bloodwork at AMG Medical Group ($200 Value)
10 Sep, 2012 at 04:00 AM

Experienced doctor with New York Times–featured medical group checks patients during a physical exam and blood tests
71% Off Checkup & Blood Work at AMG Medical Group
$59 for a Medical Checkup with Blood Work at AMG Medical Group ($200 Value)
05 Jul, 2012 at 04:00 AM

Experienced doctor with _New York Times_–featured medical group checks patients during physical exam & blood tests
66% Off Checkup & Blood Work at AMG Medical Group
$69 for a Medical Checkup Including Blood, Stool, and Urinalysis Testing at AMG Medical Group ($200 Value). Locations in All Five Boroughs.
08 Dec, 2011 at 05:01 AM

Experienced doctor with NY Times-featured medical group checks patients during physical exam & blood tests with locations in each borough