Battle Creek Paintball Deals

Players aim at zombies from aboard a marker-outfitted military trailer or on foot in experience that feels like a real-life video game

Players vie for control of five outdoor woodsball fields or play through adrenaline-filled indoor field with provided gear and paintballs

Open-play or Cold War–scenario game with easy-break cold-weather paintballs on indoor & outdoor fields

Open-play or Cold War–scenario game with easy-break cold-weather paintballs on indoor & outdoor fields

Four woodland fields & heated indoor urban-assault course host paintball wars fueled by winterized, easy-break ammo & unlimited air

Halloween season morphs paintball field into ghoulish warzone overrun by relentless zombies that players combat with 50 rounds of paintballs

Four woodland outdoor fields; Heated multilevel indoor arena ; Open bunker-style courses;