Body Focus Medical Spa and Wellness Center Deals

Fifteen-minute, FDA-approved treatments address patients' areas of concern; numbing creams are available to alleviate discomfort

Fifteen-minute, FDA-approved treatments address patients' areas of concern; numbing creams are available to alleviate discomfort

Using radio frequencies, technicians aim to tighten skin on faces, using microdermabrasion and chemical peels to improve skin texture

Noninvasive cold laser targets unwanted fat deposits, creating slimmer silhouettes

Noninvasive laser targets red or blue veins in powerful 15-minute sessions with no downtime required

Noninvasive laser targets unwanted follicles during six treatments scheduled every two to four weeks

Staff uses one of two radiofrequency technologies to target stubborn fat and cellulite and promote collagen growth

Noninvasive cold laser targets unwanted fat deposits, creating slimmer silhouettes

Radio-frequency energy permeates stratum corneum, epidermis & dermis to smooth skin's texture & balance its tone

Radio-frequency energy permeates stratum corneum, epidermis & dermis to smooth skin's texture & balance its tone