Ch'i Spa Deals

60-minute facials, each designed for specific skincare needs

Technicians use NovaLash extensions to plump up lash lines and draw attention to the eyes.

In candlelit spa decked with Thai art, therapists amend massages with custom aromas or exfoliating body scrubs & hydrating body butters

Aestheticians use organic waxes to remove unwanted hairs as clients unwind inside the comforts of spa setting

Eastern-inspired therapies cleanse bodies through reflexology massages, herbal foot soaks, and far-infrared sauna sessions.

Massage therapist assuages muscles with a modality that’s customized to address the individual’s therapeutic needs

Certified extensionist affixes natural eyelashes with synthetic lid fringe that can last up to one year with regular maintenance

Couples connect as they shed stress with Chinese reflexology and soften feet in rose petal-filled footbath

Skilled massage therapists; Asian-inspired décor;