Cinema Grill Deals

Upcoming comics craft sets about avoiding state-fair cheese and the advantages of turning 50; pub grub and Surly-brewed suds are available

Theater screens recent movie releases, such as The Hunger Games and The Dictator, with tableside food and beverage service

Theater screens 12 weeks of family-friendly movies such as Shrek & Megamind, with tableside food & beverage service.

Zesty cheeseburgers and pizza sate moviegoers' appetites while current blockbuster films tug at their brains.

Rotating crop of comedians crafts routines about hilarious bear attacks and girlfriends' cats as servers supply grub & Surly-brewed suds

Comedians spout one-liners as servers supply guests with grub & Surly-brewed suds at full-service restaurant

Movies project in spacious showrooms as guests dine at two- or four-person tables overseen by attentive staff members

Zesty cheeseburgers & pizza sate movie-goers' appetites while current blockbuster films tug at their brains