Completely Bare Deals

Upscale spa helmed by alum of The Real Housewives of New York City permanently banishes fuzz with noninvasive Candela GentleYAG lasers

Patented hypoallergenic waxes reduce pain, noninvasive lasers zap follicles & other spa services add trendy accents to skin

Patented noncomedogenic & hypoallergenic waxes reduce pain through formula engineered to stick to hair rather than skin

Professional waxing specialists; Patented ouchless waxes ; Founded by NYC Real Housewife Cindy Barshop;

Professional waxing specialists; Patented ouch-less waxes; Founded by NYC Real Housewife Cindy Barshop;

Professional waxing specialists; Patented ouch-less waxes ; Founded by NYC Real Housewife Cindy Barshop;

Professional waxing specialists; Patented ouch-less waxes ; Founded by NYC Real Housewife Cindy Barshop;