Curves Deals

Thirty-minute women’s-only workout combines strength training with cardio bursts of Latin choreography or Pilates, boxing & dance combos.

Thirty-minute, circuit-style workout for women intersperses 13 weight-training stations with 60 seconds of Latin dance.

Fitness center designed by women & for women ushers ladies through 30-minute circuit training that burns up to 500 calories

Experienced trainers steer gym-goers through hydraulic resistance machines designed exclusively for female fitness needs

Experienced trainers watch over gym-goers using hydraulic resistance machines designed exclusively for female fitness needs

Women-only fitness center helps body-movers burn calories with hydraulic machines built for women & group classes set to upbeat tunes

Women-only fitness center helps body-movers burn calories with hydraulic machines built for women & group classes set to upbeat tunes

Pro coaches watch over hydraulic resistance machines designed solely for female fitness needs & Zumba circuit classes add latin spice

Experienced trainers watch over gym-goers who use hydraulic resistance machines designed exclusively for female fitness needs

Two locations offer 30-minute, women-only circuit workouts on hydraulic resistance machines designed to sculpt lean, toned muscles