Derma Laser Centers Deals

Doctor removes fat and tightens skin with liposuction procedure that treats a medium-sized area in two-and-a-half to three-and-a-half hours

Dr. Nader Shehata wields laser fiber to help to rupture & drain fat cells & shrink collagen during minimally invasive treatments

Over the course of six treatments, meticulous aestheticians destroy hairs at follicle with gentle lasers as cooling device soothes skin

Removes fat & tightens skin; Choice of neck or medium area; Minimal downtime; Highly credentialed doctor;

Choice of treatment area; Minimal discomfort; Results can last up to six months;

FDA-approved laser; Cooling device for comfort; Eliminates or slows down future growth;

Three treatments included; Highly credentialed doctor; 15 to 30 minutes long; Soothing machine used;

Three treatments included; Highly credentialed doctor; 15 to 30 minutes long; Soothing machine used;