Girls Night: The Musical Deals
Girls Night: The Musical follows five women sharing life stories during a night of karaoke filled with bawdy laughs and classic songs
“Girls Night: The Musical” tells story of five women sharing life stories during night of karaoke filled with bawdy laughs & classic songs.
Intimate theater hosts spirited musical filled with bawdy laughs & hit songs
Comedic musical-theater show; Intimate theater ; Eight showtimes available;
Intimate theater hosts spirited musical filled with bawdy laughs & hit songs
Comedic musical in intimate theater follows five friends as they celebrate their history together & belt out karaoke classics
Critically acclaimed comedy showcases 5 women celebrating their lives together & belting out classic tunes, including "I Will Survive"
Comedic musical in 408-seat theater follows five friends as they celebrate their history together & belt out karaoke classics
Comedic musical in 1,600-seat, iconic theater follows five friends as they celebrate their history together & belt out karaoke classics
Velvet seats cushion guests as five women share life stories during night of karaoke featuring classic '80s & '90s tunes