Muvement Deals
Total Deals Found: 4
Up to 88% Off Boot Camp or Zumba at Muvement
Four Weeks of Boot Camp or 10 Zumba Classes with a Nutrition Seminar at Muvement (Up to 88% Off)
By Muvement
24 Sep, 2012 at 04:00 AM

Patrons hoist free weights, swing kettlebells, and stretch resistance bands in boot camp or dance away calories during Zumba classes
88% Off Fitness Classes at Muvement
$29 for Four Weeks of Boot Camp with a Nutrition Seminar at Muvement ($234 Value)
By Muvement
16 Aug, 2012 at 04:00 AM

Patrons hoist free weights, swing kettlebells, and stretch resistance bands in 40- to 45-minute circuit of cardio and strength training
Up to 88% Off Zumba or Boot Camp in Manchester
10 Zumba Classes or Four Weeks of Unlimited Boot Camp at Muvement in Manchester (Up to 81% Off)
By Muvement
10 Jan, 2012 at 05:01 AM

Zumba invites exercisers to burn calories during dance-fitness routine & three trainers stoke metabolism & build muscle in boot-camp classes
Up to 87% Off Unlimited Boot Camp
Four Weeks of Unlimited Boot Camp and a Nutritional Seminar at Muvement. Two Locations Available.
By Muvement
27 Sep, 2011 at 04:01 AM

Trio of seasoned trainers; Rotating workout fights plateau; Open to all ages, fitness levels; Capped at 15 participants;