Newport Beach MedSpa Deals

FDA-cleared treatment contours and slims the body using bipolar radio frequency, infrared light, vacuum, and mechanical massage

Noninvasive laser light or a series of tiny injections work to destroy visible veins and leave skin clear

Intense pulsed light combats the signs of aging, and a choice of a supplementary facial treatment aids the process.

Noninvasive VelaShape metabolizes fat with heat and radio frequencies.

Non-invasive Syneron eMatrix helps to evict fine lines, wrinkles & sun-damaged skin with bipolar radio frequency during 20-minute session

Noninvasive Velashape metabolizes fat with heat & radio frequencies or precise lasers of LipoLite heat fat deposits for removal via tube

Precise lasers heat fat deposits so they can be removed via tiny tube during minimally invasive 30- to 60-minute treatment

Precise pulses of light from Cutera CoolGlide or Syneron eMax laser hamper hair growth & ensure comfort with cooling tip