Seidou Salon Spa Deals

A therapist shoos away aches with Swedish strokes and a technician brushes polish across nails; complimentary glass of wine or mimosa

Specialist arranges thin needles along energy channels to relax & heal body & massage therapist shoos away stress & aches with massage

Hour massage paired with facial helps calm mind or pink-and-white acrylics give appearance of french tips, highlights add streaks of color.

Private room hosts four massage styles including hot stone & chakra balancing, plus 30-minute facial & mani-pedi with exfoliating foot scrub

In private room, massage therapists cosset muscles with five varieties of massage & aestheticians scour pores with Aveda botanical extracts

Experienced staff coats fingers & toes in vibrant polishes, such as Shellac or Axxium gels to protect against scratching & peeling