SkinKlinic of Edina Deals

Non-invasive laser treatment targets entire body, including face & neck, smoothing out skin tone & texture with minimal discomfort

Blue-spectrum lasers or chemical exfoliation techniques alleviate the appearance of acne

Dr. Scott Ross applies handheld medical-grade laser to battle sun damage, facial veins & age spots

Skilled clinicians direct salt water-like solution into veins to shrink & eliminate venal walls during 15- to 45-minute session

Dr. Scott Ross applies handheld medical-grade laser to quickly remove unwanted hair with minimal discomfort

Dr. Scott Ross eliminates stubborn fatty deposits with quick, effective liposuction treatments, including anesthesia &post-treatment care

Dr. Scott Ross applies handheld medical-grade laser to battle sun damage, facial veins & age spots

Minimally invasive treatment; Lasts for up to four months; Reduces the appearance of wrinkles;