Smile Splendor Deals

Dental techs dispense three 20-minute hydrogen peroxide gel & LED whitening treatments before patients take home touch-up pen & gel

Dental techs dispense three 20-minute hydrogen-peroxide gel & LED whitening treatments before patients take home touch-up pen & gel

LED light activates hydrogen-peroxide gel during in-office teeth-whitening sessions in room with TV & clients depart with touch-up pen

Gentle blue light activates hydrogen-peroxide gel, visibly whitening chompers in one hour & pen helps keep teeth pearly white

Techs brighten smiles with LED-activated gel as clients watch TV or listen to music before taking home whitening pen good for 30 touchups

Techs brighten smiles with LED-activated gel as clients watch TV or listen to music before taking home whitening pen good for 30 touchups

Patented LED light activates low dosage of hydrogen-peroxide gel during in-office teeth-whitening sessions in room with TV

In-office teeth-whitening treatment lightens enamel with gel & light & take-home touchup pen obliterates postwhitening stains