The Hollywood Body Laser Center Deals

Deft techs wield elōs technologies to stunt hair growth at the follicle, eliminating the need for tweezing, waxing, or shaving

FDA-approved system melts fat cells with combination of light and radio frequency to reduce the appearance of cellulite

Laser specialist showers unwanted veins with light and heat to create clear and radiant skin

Licensed, experienced staff help shoo away wrinkles, scars and age spots with fractional laser treatment that stimulates collagen production

Licensed, experienced staff help shoo away wrinkles, facials lines & crow's feet with injections of Botox, Juvederm or both

30- to 40-minute steam sessions ensconce guests in vapor & oils that can help evict toxins, induce relaxation & burn up to 600 calories

Licensed aestheticians exfoliate visages with chemical peels & tiny crystals to alleviate appearance of fine lines & acne scarring

As many as 60 units of Botox help to reduce eyebrow wrinkles, forehead creases & crow's feet for up to four months