The Ridgefield Salon & Spa Deals

Clients recline in a massage chair as a deft nail tech revivifies nails without the use of toxic chemicals

Clients recline in a massage chair as a deft nail tech revivifies nails without the use of toxic chemicals

Airbrushing experts bathe bodies in an organic, aloe-based solution that moisturizes skin as it deepens into a streak-free glow

Deft stylists shape coifs, repair damage with conditioning, and color hair using Tocco Magico serums that contain gentle herbal extracts

Airbrushing experts bathe bodies in organic, aloe-based solution that moisturizes skin as it deepens into a streak-free glow.

Licensed aestheticians open pores with steam & extractions, massage upper bodies & soften wrinkles with microdermabrasion & collagen masks

Airbrushing experts bathe bodies in organic, aloe-based solution that moisturizes skin as it deepens into a streak-free glow.

Team of licensed aestheticians pampers clients with chocolate-infused mani-pedis and facials

Team of licensed aestheticians pampers clients with chocolate-infused mani-pedis and facials

Weary frames absorb blends of essential oils or herbs designed to help shed excess water or exfoliate & smooth epidermises