Tuffy Auto Service Center Deals

Oil-changes with fuel additive, cabin-air cleaning, tire rotations, nitrogen inflations, and safety checks keep cars in tip-top shape

5-quart oil change includes a fresh filter and a 27-point safety inspection

ASE-certified techs offer oil-change options that feature fuel additive, cabin air cleaning, tire rotation, and nitrogen tire inflation.

Mechanics from trusted nationwide franchise ensure long-term engine life & proper handling with oil changes & tire rotations

Techs at ASE-certified facility rotate tires, inspect brakes, and replace detrimental fluids with up to 5 quarts of clean oil

Technicians facilitate smooth driving with up to five quarts of motor oil, tire repositioning & 41-point inspection

Techs at ASE-certified facility replace detrimental fluids with up to 5 quarts of clean oil, perform 41-point safety check & rotate tires

Techs at ASE-certified facility replace detrimental fluids with up to 5 quarts of clean oil, perform 41-point safety check & rotate tires

ASE-certified technicians; Up to five quarts of 10W-30 oil; Includes new wiper blades & nitrogen inflation;

Oil & filter change; Tire rotation; Fresh wiper blades;