All - Dance Lessons Deals

Study the steps to mambo, salsa, and other Latin-style partner dances with the same group of students week after week

Certified dance instructors help students to find the groove of swing, samba, and tango; whole wedding party can join in private lesson

Learn the classic 1920s and '30s partner-dance-style known as the lindy, which incorporates elements of tap, jazz, and the Charleston

Classes for beginners or intermediate-level students in belly dancing, yoga, and Zumba

Acclaimed instructor guides sinuous isolations during Belly Dance classes; fitness routines combines dance and exercise

Seasoned instructors lead students through private and group lessons culled from renowned dance curriculum’s century of steps

Dance studio teaches styles and moves that blend classical Indian dance with hip-hop and R&B

Zumba classes merge Latin dance with fitness moves; ballroom classes focus on more classical techniques

Private lessons or group classes cover styles such as ballroom and Latin dance for students of all skill levels

During private and group lessons and social dance parties, adults learn ballroom, swing, or salsa; kids study ballroom moves