All - Laser Hair Removal Deals
Certified doctor & skilled staff harness low-level lasers to rejuvenate scalps with biweekly treatments for two or three months
Board-certified physician oversees treatment of fine lines & irregular skin tone with glycolic acid & intense pulsed light
Aestheticians at New Jersey Monthly's 2011 Best Medical Spa exfoliate faces with spray of fine crystals & soften hands with natural scrub
Seasoned technicians beam high-intensity light of Honkon Yag lasers to break up pigment of unwanted tattoos
Experienced clinicians administer FDA-approved treatments of Botox or Dysport, which aim to smooth wrinkle-prone areas for up to four months
GentleEase laser emits beams of light to safely remove hair as cooling device ensures comfort along surrounding skin
Expert skin smoothers harness beams of light to purge troublesome follicles on small areas in three sessions
Over the course of six treatments, meticulous aestheticians destroy hairs at follicle with gentle lasers as cooling device soothes skin
GentleYag lasers reduce unwanted hair from choice of 24 areas during swift treatments at doctor-run medical spa
Board-certified medical directors monitor licensed laser specialists, who jettison unwanted fur with noninvasive Candela lasers