All - Weight Loss Centers Deals

Weight-loss plan includes supplements, meal-replacement products & thrice-weekly counseling sessions to promote success

Certified laser specialist reduces hair growth and prominence with up-to-45-minute-long sessions that replace razors with lasers.

Medical staff helps clients achieve slimmer physiques with noninvasive, fat-reducing i-Lipo treatments & workouts

The non-invasive Lapex BCS laser helps melt subcutaneous fat from problem areas without drugs or dieting.

Therapists apply electro pads to hard-to-tone areas & wrap clients in thermotherapy cocoons to aid fat loss & potentially reduce cellulite

Infrared wraps burn calories and boost metabolism while pushing toxins out through the sweat glands.

Medically supervised weight-loss program includes body-composition analysis, tailored meal plans, and supplements.

Series of six noninvasive, 40-minute Zerona treatments sheds up to 9 inches from thighs, waists & hips with cold lasers.

Medical staff tailors diet plan to patient BMI & weight-loss goals bolstered by metabolism-boosting & fat-dissolving vitamin injections

LipoLaser technology targets adipose tissue with noninvasive lasers & aids in fat loss, stretch-mark reduction & cellulite dispersal