All - Weight Loss Centers Deals

Weight-loss consultant helps clients shed pounds with fat-burning injections, a custom meal plan, and weekly progress check-ins.

Lasers, combined with mechanical massage & vacuum suction in cellulite treatments, disrupt fat cells & cause them to release their acids.

A licensed massage therapist kneads and softens muscles during each 60-minute appointment.

Physician injects FDA-approved Botox solution, which smoothes out fine lines & wrinkles for up to four months

LipoLaser technology targets adipose tissue with noninvasive lasers & aids in fat loss, stretch-mark reduction & cellulite dispersal

Medical staff administers vitamin shots designed to increase metabolism & lipo B-complex formula can accelerate weight loss with 3 enzymes

Physician-supervised diet plan relies on custom nutrition advice, weekly check-ins & slimming supplements

Cold-laser paddles work to shrink fat cells under the skin during relaxing 20-minute treatment sessions.

Noninvasive, FDA-approved laser treatment slims inches from waistline, hips & thighs with little downtime

Physician discusses weight-loss goals with clients before charting custom nutrition plans or bolstering metabolisms with B12 injections.