Amarillo - Health & Fitness Deals

Tough instructors in one of Texas's largest MMA schools lead adults & children through classes that build stamina & fighting skills

Dedicated yoga gurus lead students through meditative asanas in supportive, Anusara-influenced yoga classes

30,000 strokes per minute; UV sanitizing charger base; Three extra brush heads; Ergonomic design;

Whiten teeth at home; LED activated; Gel for 2–5 uses; Shipping included;

Owned by Dr. Eric Crawford; Professional teeth cleaning; Helps to maintain good oral health;

Spinal decompression can help control chronic pain; Licensed chiropractors; Therapeutic sessions;

One of the largest MMA facilities in Texas; Classes for all skill levels; Intense combat & conditioning;

Advanced laser technology; Targets variety of inks; Minimal risk of scarring & little to no downtime;